Index Documentation

in package
implements CacheBackend

Information about the memcached backend.

Table of Contents


Information about a cache provider. Should not have any external dependencies.


createProvider()  : MemcachedProvider
Creates a memcached cache provider.
isAvailable()  : bool
Checks whether the driver is available and a provider can be made.
parseDsn()  : MemcachedProviderInfo
Constructs a cache info instance from a dsn.



Checks whether the driver is available and a provider can be made.

public isAvailable() : bool
Return values

If true a provider can be made, if false a required extension is missing.


Constructs a cache info instance from a dsn.

public parseDsn(string|array<string, string|int> $dsn) : MemcachedProviderInfo

Memcached does not support a username or password.

The host part of the URL can be any DNS name, or special values :unix: and :pool:, documented further down.

The path part of the URL is used as a key prefix. Any prefix slashes (/) are trimmed and others are converted to a colon (:). Meaning /prefix/test/ is converted to prefix:test:.

In order to use a Unix socket path, set the host part to :unix: and specify server=/path/to/socket.sock in the query.

In order to use a pool of connections, set the host part to :pool: and specify any amount of params server[] in the query. Weights can be specified at the end, prefixed by a semicolon (;) Examples include:

  • server[]=/var/run/memcached.sock;20
  • server[]=;10
  • server[]=[::1]:9001;5
  • server[]=localhost

Internally :unix: and :pool: invoke the same behaviour, but please use them appropriately.

Other query fields include:

  • persist=<name>: a named persistent connection. Named only applied to the memcached implementation, the legacy memcache implementation treats this as a boolean flag.
  • proto=ascii: Forces the memcached implemenation to use the ASCII protocol over the binary one. The legacy memcache implementation always uses the ASCII protocol.
  • compress=<no,off,false,0>: Turns compression of strings larger than 100 characters off.
  • nodelay=<no,off,false,0>: Turns TCP No Delay off. Has no effect on the legacy memcache implementation.

Why is the legacy memcache extension supported? cuz I felt like it.

$dsn : string|array<string, string|int>

DSN with provider information.

Return values

Memcached provider info instance.

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