Table of Contents
- BencodeSerializable
- Provides an interface for serialising objects for bencoding in a controlled manner.
- CacheBackend
- Information about a cache provider. Should not have any external dependencies.
- CacheProvider
- Represents a cache provider.
- CacheProviderInfo
- Base type for cache provider info.
- Comparable
- Provides an interface for comparison between objects. Allows for order/sorting instances.
- Config
- Provides a common interface for configuration providers.
- ConfigValueInfo
- Provides a common interface for configuration values.
- DbBackend
- Information about a database layer. Should not have any external dependencies.
- DbConnection
- Represents a connection to a database service.
- DbConnectionInfo
- Base type for database connection info.
- DbResult
- Represents a database result set.
- DbStatement
- Represents a prepared database statement.
- DbTransaction
- Represents a transaction to be performed on the database.
- DbMigration
- Interface for migration classes to inherit.
- DbMigrationInfo
- Information on a migration repository item.
- DbMigrationRepo
- Represents a repository of migrations.
- Equatable
- Provides an interface for determining the value-equality of two objects.
- HttpContent
- Represents the body content for a HTTP message.
- HttpContentHandler
- Represents a content handler for building HTTP response messages.
- HttpErrorHandler
- Represents an error message handler for building HTTP response messages.
- RouteHandler
- Provides the interface for Router::register().
- Router
- Provides an interface for defining HTTP routers.
- UrlRegistry
- Provides an interface for defining a URL registry.
- UrlSource
- ArrayIterator
- Provides an Iterator implementation for normal arrays.
- Base32
- Provides Base32 encoding.
- Bencode
- Provides a Bencode serialiser.
- BencodeHttpContent
- Represents Bencoded body content for a HTTP message.
- BencodeHttpContentHandler
- Represents a Bencode content handler for building HTTP response messages.
- BencodeProperty
- Defines a class method or property as a Bencoded object property.
- ByteFormat
- Implements a byte formatter for file sizes.
- ArrayCacheBackend
- Information about the dummy cache backend.
- ArrayCacheProvider
- Represents a dummy cache provider.
- ArrayCacheProviderInfo
- Represents dummy provider info.
- CacheBackends
- Provides a registry of cache backends.
- MemcachedBackend
- Information about the memcached backend.
- MemcachedProvider
- Base Memcached provider implementation.
- MemcachedProviderInfo
- Represents Memcached provider info.
- MemcachedProviderLegacy
- Legacy Memcached provider implementation.
- MemcachedProviderModern
- Base Memcached provider implementation.
- ValkeyBackend
- Information about the Valkey backend.
- ValkeyProvider
- Valkey provider implementation.
- ValkeyProviderInfo
- Represents Valkey provider info.
- Colour
- Abstract class for representing colours.
- ColourHsl
- Represents a colour using Hue, Saturation and Lightness.
- ColourNamed
- Represents a named CSS colour.
- ColourNull
- Represents an empty colour.
- ColourRgb
- Represents an RGB colour.
- DbConfig
- Provides a configuration based on a {@see DbConnection} instance.
- DbConfigValueInfo
- Provides information about a databased configuration value.
- FsConfig
- Provides a configuration in string based format.
- FsConfigValueInfo
- Value info for file configs.
- NullConfig
- Provides a black hole configuration that will always return the default values.
- ScopedConfig
- Provides a scoped configuration instead.
- ScopedConfigValueInfo
- Provides information about a scoped configuration value.
- CsrfToken
- Contains a mechanism for validating requests.
- DbBackends
- Provides a registry of database backends.
- DbResultIterator
- Implements an iterator and constructor wrapper for DbResult.
- DbStatementCache
- Container to avoid having many prepared instances of the same query.
- DbTools
- Common database actions.
- DbType
- Map of common database types.
- MariaDbBackend
- Information about the MariaDB/MySQL database layer.
- MariaDbCharacterSetInfo
- Contains information about the character set.
- MariaDbConnection
- Represents a connection with a MariaDB or MySQL database server.
- MariaDbConnectionInfo
- Describes a MariaDB or MySQL connection.
- MariaDbParameter
- Represents a bound parameter.
- MariaDbResult
- Represents a MariaDB/MySQL database result.
- MariaDbResultLib
- Implementation of MariaDbResult for libmysql.
- MariaDbResultNative
- Implementation of MariaDbResult for mysqlnd.
- MariaDbStatement
- Represents a MariaDB/MySQL prepared statement.
- MariaDbTransaction
- Represents a MariaDB transaction.
- MariaDbWarning
- Represents a MariaDB/MySQL warning.
- DbMigrationManager
- Provides a common interface for database migrations.
- FsDbMigrationInfo
- FsDbMigrationRepo
- NullDbBackend
- Information about the dummy database layer.
- NullDbConnection
- Represents a dummy database connection.
- NullDbConnectionInfo
- Represents dummy connection info.
- NullDbResult
- Represents a dummy database result.
- NullDbStatement
- Represents a dummy database statement.
- NullDbTransaction
- Represents a dummy database transaction.
- SqliteBackend
- Information about the SQLite 3 database layer.
- SqliteConnection
- Represents a client for an SQLite database.
- SqliteConnectionInfo
- Represents information about a SQLite Client.
- SqliteResult
- Represents an SQLite result set.
- SqliteStatement
- Represents a prepared SQLite SQL statement.
- SqliteTransaction
- Represents an SQLite transaction.
- FormHttpContent
- Represents form body content for a HTTP message.
- HtmlHttpErrorHandler
- Represents a basic HTML error message handler for building HTTP response messages.
- HttpHeader
- Represents a generic HTTP header.
- HttpHeaders
- Represents a collection of HTTP headers.
- HttpHeadersBuilder
- Represents a HTTP message header builder.
- HttpMessage
- Represents a base HTTP message.
- HttpMessageBuilder
- Represents a base HTTP message builder.
- HttpRequest
- Represents a HTTP request message.
- HttpRequestBuilder
- Represents a HTTP request message builder.
- HttpResponse
- Represents a HTTP response message.
- HttpResponseBuilder
- Represents a HTTP response message builder.
- HttpUploadedFile
- Represents an uploaded file in a multipart/form-data request.
- PlainHttpErrorHandler
- Represents a plain text error message handler for building HTTP response messages.
- HandlerAttribute
- Provides base for attributes that mark methods in a class as handlers.
- HttpDelete
- Provides an attribute for marking methods in a class as a DELETE route.
- HttpGet
- Provides an attribute for marking methods in a class as a GET route.
- HttpMiddleware
- Provides an attribute for marking methods in a class as middleware.
- HttpOptions
- Provides an attribute for marking methods in a class as a OPTIONS route.
- HttpPatch
- Provides an attribute for marking methods in a class as a POST route.
- HttpPost
- Provides an attribute for marking methods in a class as a POST route.
- HttpPut
- Provides an attribute for marking methods in a class as a PUT route.
- HttpRoute
- Provides an attribute for marking methods in a class as a route.
- HttpRouter
- ResolvedRouteInfo
- Represents a resolved route.
- ScopedRouter
- Provides a scoped router interface, automatically adds a prefix to any routes added.
- StringHttpContent
- Represents string body content for a HTTP message.
- Index
- Provides information about the Index library.
- IntegerBaseConverter
- Provides methods for encoding integers in different bases.
- JsonHttpContent
- Represents JSON body content for a HTTP message.
- JsonHttpContentHandler
- Represents a JSON content handler for building HTTP response messages.
- JsonProperty
- Defines a class method or property as a JSON object property.
- MediaType
- Implements a structure for representing and comparing media/mime types.
- DnsEndPoint
- A DNS end point.
- EndPoint
- Represents a generic network end point.
- IpAddress
- Represents an IP address.
- IpAddressRange
- Represents a CIDR range of IP addresses.
- IpEndPoint
- Represents an IP address end point.
- UnixEndPoint
- Represents a UNIX socket path end point.
- PerformanceCounter
- Represents a performance counter.
- Stopwatch
- Provides a means to measure elapsed time at a high resolution.
- TimingPoint
- Represents a timing point.
- Timings
- Represents a Stopwatch with timing points.
- FeedBuilder
- Provides an RSS feed builder with Atom extensions.
- FeedItemBuilder
- Provides an RSS feed item builder with Atom extensions.
- TplFilesystemCache
- Extends Twig's filesystem cache implementation with an alternate constructor.
- TplIndexExtension
- Provides version functions and additional functionality implemented in Index.
- TplFilesystemLoader
- Provides a simpler Filesystem loader with mechanisms like namespaces omitted.
- TplContext
- Provides a wrapper of Twig\TemplateWrapper.
- TplEnvironment
- Provides a wrapper of Twig\Environment.
- UriBase64
- Provides URL-safe Base64 encoding.
- ArrayUrlRegistry
- Provides an array backed URL registry implementation.
- ScopedUrlRegistry
- Provides a scoped URL registry implementation.
- UrlFormat
- An attribute for denoting URL formatting for a route handler.
- WString
- Provides various helper methods for multibyte strings.
- XArray
- Provides various helper methods for collections.
- XDateTime
- Provides a set of DateTime related utilities.
- XNumber
- Provides various helper methods for numbers.
- XString
- Provides various helper methods for strings.
- BencodeSerializableTrait
- Implements support for the BencodeProperty attribute.
- GetValueInfoTrait
- Provides implementations for things that are essentially macros for {@see Config::getValueInfos}.
- GetValuesTrait
- Provides implementation for {@see Config::getValues} based on {@see Config::getValueInfos}.
- ImmutableConfigTrait
- Intercepts mutable methods required to be implemented by {@see Config} and returns exceptions.
- MutableConfigTrait
- Defines set aliases so you don't have to.
- DbResultTrait
- Implements common DbResult methods.
- RouteHandlerTrait
- Provides an implementation of RouteHandler::registerRoutes that uses the attributes.
- RouterTrait
- Contains implementations for HTTP request method handler registration.
- JsonSerializableTrait
- Implements support for the JsonProperty attribute.
- UrlSourceTrait
- Provides an implementation of UrlSource::registerUrls that uses the attributes.