Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- IConfig
- Provides a common interface for configuration providers.
- IConfigValueInfo
- Provides a common interface for configuration values.
- DbConfig
- Provides a configuration based on a {@see IDbConnection} instance.
- DbConfigValueInfo
- Provides information about a databased configuration value.
- NullConfig
- Provides a black hole configuration that will always return the default values.
- ScopedConfig
- Provides a scoped configuration instead.
- ScopedConfigValueInfo
- Provides information about a scoped configuration value.
- SyokuhouInfo
- Retrieves library info.
- SharpConfig
- Provides a configuration in SharpChat format.
- SharpConfigValueInfo
- ImmutableConfigTrait
- Intercepts mutable methods required to be implemented by {@see IConfig} and returns exceptions.
- GetValueInfoTrait
- Provides implementations for things that are essentially macros for {@see IConfig::getValueInfos}.
- GetValuesTrait
- Provides implementation for {@see IConfig::getValues} based on {@see IConfig::getValueInfos}.
- MutableConfigTrait
- Defines set aliases so you don't have to.